September 30, 2012

Sugar Sugar

Not to be outdone in cuteness, here are Scott and Clyde with their rendition of the Wilson Pickett classic, "Sugar Sugar". Clyde learned this song last year from a singing greeting card my Mom sent him. I wish it was still his favorite song, but alas, he has moved onto "Keep Your Head Up" by Andy Grammer.

Got the moves like....Batman?

This may seem too good to be true, but it's not. This is my son Henry. Apparently he dressed up in full Batman costume, muscled chest and all, and made a video of himself showing off his sweet martial arts moves - all while I was on the phone. Yesterday I uploaded a bunch of FlipCam Videos that had been on my camera forever, and this little gem popped up from six months ago. I have been laughing about it since yesterday. Henry is just so awesome.

Inflatable Fun Gym

This year in early September my two business partners and I opened the Inflatable Fun Gym. It has been an adventure to say the least. Earlier in the year, my friend Sheri, who owns an outdoor bouncy house rental company, approached my Tiki Hut business partner Natasha and I and asked if we might be interested in opening an indoor play place for children in Hermiston. Shave-ice AND bouncy castles? Of course we said yes! It seemed like a match made in kid heaven. The rest is history! 

The front door of our business. The red polka-dot wonder.

This is the area where we put all of the inflatables. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to find just the right angles so they would all fit in there. That one on the right is called the 'Bucaneer'. It has some pretty dicey pirates on the side, but its a family place, so we made sure to order it 'wench' free. 

This is our main play area. Complete with train table, tool table, plastic kitchen, glitter track for Little Tykes Cars and the works!

Little Tykes going for a ride on the glitter track. You can't see it sparkle too well in pictures, but it person it's pretty sparkle-tacular.

This is a picture of our dragon mascot 'Smokey'. This and most of our other wall mural's were painted by Troy Miracle resident of Hermiston and painter of bowling alleys, etc. I worked with him a lot, and I can truly say that I have never huffed more spray paint fumes in my life. 

Of course the place wouldn't be complete without Tiki Hut shave-ice. We created all sorts of new flavors for the Gym. You can even get the Tiki Hut shave-ice cake. It is awesome!

These are the new flavor combos you can get at the gym. Black Beard is by far the favorite. I still wish we would've done a 'Liger' flavor, or at least a Pegasus. 

September 20, 2012

Harker Family 2012

This is the most recent family photo I have. It was taken at my brother Carson's wedding this past July. Scott maintains that he has much more hair than what is represented in the photo, but this looks about right to me. Don't my boys look cute? I loved those pink bow-ties and suspenders. See that look on my face? That is happiness and a little bit of astonishment that Clyde would wear a bow-tie and suspenders for more than thirty seconds.

Accepting the Inevitable

It was inevitable. Blogging has always been something I have considered, but never had time to commit to. I have finally had a spare moment in the year to move forward with a family blog, and I am excited to get started. Plus, anyone who knows me is aware that I am never at a loss for words, so blogging seems like a natural fit for me. Our family has been growing so much and life has been moving by so quickly that sometimes I wake up and am surprised at how much time has really passed. This is a little window into our fast-paced life, but trust me when I say that it in no way truly represents the hilarious dysfunction and the immense love and happiness that exists in our family.